Report scheduler

Report scheduler

It is possible to generate a report in XLS or XLSX format based on a saved custom report template at specified intervals.

The content of the scheduled report will be sent as an export file to the user’s email adress who has set up the report.

KRONOS Reporter and Exporter permissions are required to access the Report scheduler menu item!

Report template: select a saved template to make scheduled report faster

Period: the interval that contains worklogs

Scheduler activation date: the first date of the scheduled report

Recurrence: the report frequency

File format: create report in XLS or XLSX format

Scheduled reports that have already been created are automatically active. To deactivate a scheduled report, uncheck the Active option selector. Scheduled reports cannot be edited retrospectively. In this case the Reporter have to delete the report by clicking on trash icon and should create a new scheduled report.

At the moment Scheduled reports are sent to the user based on the server's timezone.

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