Custom report

Custom report

By choosing the Custom report option the user can define what parameters of worklogs he want to generate the report.

Filter settings

The filters set on this page are working as individual filters and prefilters for the next filter under them.

In the Project filter all projects available in the system can be selected by selecting the checkbox. All issue’s worklogs in the selected project (s) will be displayed.

In the Issue filter users can select which issue's worklogs to be included in the report. The Project filter can be used as a prefilter to narrow down the displayed issues.

For example:

A user can specifiy one or more project (Project A) in the Procejt filter and leave the other filters blank the report will include all worklog of the issues int hte selected project(s).

If the user select a project (Project B ) int the Project filter then the issues in that project will be listed in the Issue filter below. By selecting the checkboxes the user can choose from the issue list (PB-1. PB-2, PB-3), than clear the project filter and select from an other project’s (Project C) set of issues (PC-1, PC-2, PC-3) to extend the filter selection. Aa a result the report will incude the worklogs from PB-1, PB-2, PB-3, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3 issues.

By selecting the Recursive checkbox on the left side of the Issue filter all the sub-task’s worklogs of the selected issues will be included in the report.

In the Sub-task filter the user can select multiple sub-task to include its worklogs in the report. The Issue filter can be used as a prefilter option as well. If the user leaves the Issue filter empty, all sub-task from all project will presented in the Sub-task filter drop-down.

In order to select sub-tasks of different issues the user can select one issue in the Issue filter, select the related sub-tasks then clear the Issue filter field and choose an other issue. In the Sub-task filter the previously selected sub-task are still selected but a new set of sub-task will appear in the drop-down.

For any filter criteria set on the page, you can narrow down your search with additional JQL terms.Kronos will only return worklogs that have Jira tickets that also match the specified JQL filter.

If the user doesn’t set a value for any filter all issues and its worklogs will be included in the report.

The last section of the screen contains the team and worklog filtering settings. The user can filter for the users in each team who created the worklog, the descriptions provided during the recording, the activities or activity categories, and the places where the work was done.

You can also select previously archived values in the Worklog Activity Category and Worklog Activity fields.

In the Date field, the user can specify the exact period he wants to query the report. It is also possible to deactivate the Date field by checking the Ignore interval option, so all recorded worlogs will be included in the report.

Group settings

Under the Group Settings tab, the Reporter can arrange grouping settings for the reported worklogs.

You can group worklogs based on the issue fields that appear in the Issue Attributes column on the left side of the screen. A simple drag-and-drop method can be used to drag selected attributes to the Group by section on the right. The vertical order of the attributes determines the grouping of worklogs.

By checking the Show Worklog option, the report displays all worklogs recorded for the issue.

Report columns

On the Report columns tab of the report settings, you can specify which values of each worklog item are displayed in the configured columns in the report and in the generated export.

Report sorting

When creating a report, by clicking the report sorting tab there are to ways to organize the worklogs to be displayed.

In the Primary sorting drop-down box the Reporter can select the primary aspect of organizing worklogs based on the available values. The Secondary sorting drop-down box also contains the same values as the Primary Sort field. For example, these options may include: Activity, Activity category, Assignee, Comment, Creation Date.

The small arrows that are placed on the right side of the column headers in the report indicate which columns were sorted and which are the primary, secondary, tertiary, or quarterly keys.

Only the primary and secondary keys can be set individually by the user! The Date and Start Time keys take effect automatically in the order of the number of keys set by the user.

Report template

To use the filtering and sorting settings later, the user can save it by clicking the Save template button in the lower-right corner of the screen.



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