Getting Started

Getting Started

The App View

After opening the PassMan Password Manager app, users will see the app interface shown in the image on the right.

Let’s explore the sections of the app:

  • On the right side, the white panel displays a simplified password view, showing secrets stored in PassMan. These secrets can be immediately used, viewed, or copied to the clipboard.

  • In the top-right section, the app will display frequently used login target systems.

  • Clicking on the ‘Quick Password Saving’ card redirects the user to PassMan, where they can save a private or shared password by answering a few simple questions.

  • In the bottom-left corner, the browser extension panel is visible if the PMSL (PassMan Secure Login) extension is not yet installed or is disabled.

  • In the center, users can watch a quick tutorial video or access the documentation.


Step 1: Download the Browser Extension

In the bottom-left corner, you’ll see a window (highlighted in red), indicating if the PassMan Secure Login browser extension is not yet installed (or is disabled).

It’s practical to start with this step, as some features require the PMSL extension to be installed and configured.

Click the ‘Get it Now’ button to proceed.


In the top right corner of your browser, upon successful installation, the PassMan extension icon will appear.

It will be highlighted in red, indicating that you are not logged into PassMan yet.

This is because you haven't connected your existing password vault to the browser extension.

Pin the extension to keep it easily accessible at all times.



browser plugin.png

Step 2: Login to PassMan

Go back to the App and click the ‘Please Login to PassMan’ button.



Wait a few seconds, then follow and accept the access-related instructions.

If you have multiple instances, make sure the instance where PassMan is installed is selected under ‘Use app on.’ (If you see a different instance, you can log into the correct one by clicking on the monogram in the top-right corner.)


Step 3: Open the Vault

At the first login, the safe will always be locked.

When it locks, only the Administrator can unlock it. This is an added security feature. Additionally, the locking time of the safe can be adjusted.

Check your inbox, as you should have already received an automatic email from us containing the credentials (username: Vault) to open the Vault.



Step 4. Complete Browser Extension Configuration

Copy the URL base e.g. [yourcompany.passman.co] and go to the browser tab where the browser extension settings page is open.



Paste the URL into the appropriate field and click the Save button.


On this configuration page, you can also perform advanced settings. For more details, you can read about it in the Comprehensive Documentation covering PassMan's standalone functionalities.


Now, go back to your Jira.


Step 5: Save Your First Password

Close and reopen the app.

The simplified password view will now appear on the right side.

Add your first password by clicking the ‘Quick Password Saving’ card.

In the window that appears, follow the next-next-finish steps for saving the password.

The quick password saving feature is independent of the Jira app, so you can find more details about it in the Features in PassMan section.





Please note that PassMan Password Manager is a Jira-integrated vault which can also be used as a standalone app, meaning it has features specifically designed for use within Jira, while other features can be used independently of Jira. For simplicity, we have divided the guide into two parts on this page.

Features in Jira
Features in PassMan

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