1.0.4 Version - Release notes

1.0.4 Version - Release notes


Jira 8.0.0 - 8.15.0


Compatibility from Jira 8.0.0 - 8.15.0 improvements and bugfixes

Release date

Feb 4, 2021


Warning message for Reopener - A message placed on the Reopener permission administrator -period and Reopener permission administrator - issue interface that the start and end date of the reopened period/issue will appear in the list according to the user's time zone

Direct link to Kronos' Documentation site from the Kronos menu

Bug fixes

  • If a user Rejects the recording of the Time tracker then Stops the tracker again the Save and Continue buttons are not visible.

  • Display of the Calendar view of the Create worklog screen

  • Issue search in Create worklog screen deleltes enterd carachters if no match is found

  • Loading text freezes in the Calendar view of the Create worklog screen

  • Incorrect start and end date when Overwriting saved drafts

  • In the Calendar view of the Create worklog screen display holidays different than workdays

  • Popup windoww appears for Team Leaders if they navigate to another interface from the Calendar view

  • Issue not updated when changing between samples



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